Acupuncture, Botanical Therapy, and Meditation Links and Media
Informative links and media concerning acupunture treatment, Chinese botanical therapy, and meditation from Atlanta Restorative Acupuncture.
Follow us on our facebook business page.
Better Sleep Resources
From Tuck Sleep Foundation, a community devoted to improving sleep hygiene, health and wellness through the creation and dissemination of comprehensive, unbiased, free web-based resources. Tuck has been featured on NBC News, Lifehacker, and Radiolab and is referenced by many colleges/universities and sleep organizations across the web.
National Certification Commission
For Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
Primordial Sound Meditation Links
Atlanta Primordial Sound Meditation on Facebook
Telomerase & Genomics Research Study
Can Meditation Slow the Aging Process?
Assisted Living Resources
Sleep Resources
Links For Learning more about Acupuncture and Acupuncture needles
Great videos explaining what causes pain, and how Acupuncture works to eliminate it. The first video is shorter and has less details, but is still a good introduction to acupuncture:
Chinese Medicine That Works YouTube Channel
Advanced Neurological Acupuncture – Innovative Health youtube video
How large is an acupuncture needle? See how it compares to a hypodermic needle and a sewing needle:
How Small is an Acupuncture Needle?
Another graphic showing how much smaller an acupuncture needle is than a hypodermic needle:
Acupuncture for Addiction