Chinese Botanical Medicine
We provide Chinese botanical medicine formulas customized to fit the unique needs of each patient.
Customized Botanical Formulas
At Atlanta Restorative Acupuncture, internal diseases are mainly addressed with Chinese Botanical Medicine, in the form of customized formulas that fit the unique needs of each patient.
How we determine the correct formulas
In particular, the qualities of the radial pulse are of extra importance in determining which combinations of botanicals and botanical formulas are most appropriate to relieve the symptoms associated with a patient’s specific pattern of disharmony.
Relying on the pulse bypasses a patient’s resistance to revealing all about their health or what they are feeling. It also picks up on sub-clinical problems that have yet to manifest or fully manifest.
Our patients can see results within one week
Improvement in the pulse and simultaneous improvement in a patient’s health, after even just one week of consuming a customized formula, is typical, though chronic illnesses and associated problems may require several months of treatment to fully resolve.

Learn More About Our Chinese Botanical Therapy Services: