The Role of Poor Sleep or insomnia and Stress in Fibromyalgia

Most everyone now realizes that stress, and associated poor sleep and insomnia negatively impact health.  But for many Fibromyalgia patients, they are especially destructive.  Why? The most common type of Fibromyalgia (See Fibro Bible, available at the bottom of the following page from this website: to learn about the 8 different types of Fibromyalgia) is caused by a buildup or stagnation of a gas called nitric oxide in muscle, tendons and other soft tissues.  This gas is vital for healthy cardiovascular health, healthy blood circulation to the female and male reproductive systems, supports brain health, and aids the immune system.  However, when not properly distributed, it causes muscle tension and pain, particularly in the upper back, shoulders and lower back. These areas of the body are at special risk due to their vulnerability with the fight or flight response (aka, the stress response).  Stagnant nitric oxide also plays important roles in other chronic pain disorders, and chronic fatigue syndrome.

The buildup of nitric oxide leads to a cycle of increasing emotional and physical sensitivity since the resulting oxidation makes it harder for the liver to catabolize the stress hormone cortisol.  At first, this type of Fibromyalgia makes it difficult to fall asleep Then, as the oxidative stress damages the liver, kidneys and nervous system, waking insomnia also begins to occur.  The most severe cases lead to nightmares.  To self-regulate the buildup of nitric oxide, these patients start sighing frequently.  The nerves are over stimulated which leads to nerve pain.  Pain in the eyes can result from the increased intraocular pressure and oxidative disintegration of the optic nerve.  Finally, this type of Fibromyalgia is linked with poor regulation of melatonin, which is a boon to pain given that melatonin has direct actions on pain signaling.

To relieve the Fibromyalgia symptoms, it is important to reduce stress, resolve the insomnia, and regulate the distribution of nitric oxide.  These goals are accomplished at Atlanta Restorative Acupuncture with several treatment modalities, including gentle Acupuncture and/or needleless therapies such as the Alpha Stim cranial electro therapy, Chinese Botanical formulas, Primordial Sound Meditation and gentle Qi Gong exercises.  The Acupuncture and/or needleless Alpha Stim therapy foster the parasympathetic or relaxation response, the counter to the sympathetic fight or flight stress response.  A specific botanical formula regulates nitric oxide, reduces stress, regulates melatonin and leads to a healthier sleep pattern.  If there is any gut involvement (Irritable Bowel Disorder is a common disease associated with this type of Fibromyalgia), there is another formula that can be combined with the first one, to improve liver function, and reduce gut inflammation.  The practice of Primordial Sound Mediation along with specific Qi Gong exercises, are also incredible complements to each of the treatment principles listed above.   As these steps are taken, the patient feels liberated from stress, begins to experience truly restful sleep, feels energized, no longer feels consistent fatigue, and discovers freedom from pain.

Free FibroFatigue eBook

Find out WHY most Fibromyalgia patients experience only limited improvement, and why the FibroFatigue protocol succeeds where other approaches have only limited success, you can read more in a free eBook.

To receive your free eBook, simply request a free consultation in which Dr. Jones can learn more about your particular type of Fibromyalgia, and create a customized treatment plan for healing and renewal, and a return to function.

After making an appointment for your free consultation, you will also receive a link to a short survey that will allow you to learn your particular Fibro type (there are eight different types of Fibromyalgia). At your consultation, Dr. Jones will explain how he can best address your condition within its unique context.

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